Using many heterogeneous devices, one of the most important must-have productivity tools is a multi-platform to do list tool.
Until now, I have used todoist which I have selected for the following reasons: an efficient plugin on FireFox and a very convincing tool on Android. The problem is that is not enough for a geek like me, who is using very frequently Windows 8 and a second windows phone smartphone.
Hopefully, I have discovered WunderList which is a very powerful and simple tool for managing to do lists. The most interesting feature is that WunderList is available on a plethora of platforms: Windows Store, Windows Phone, iOS and of course Android, and this is sufficient to gain all my interest.
However, that is not everything! WunderList features many functions that are very useful: shared lists, a very agreeable user interface and ics calendar synchronization.
To conclude, WunderList is definitely my favorite (and unique) tool for my to-do tasks.